Tuesday, December 8, 2020
4:30 PM - 5:20 PM
Virtual Roundtable: The Need to Lead: Fire Service Leadership Development

With the fire service seeing many retirements on both the career and volunteer sides, the next generation of leaders face challenges unlike ever before. This panel discussion will look at how fire departments can create programs that train and educate the next generation of leaders and prepare them for the myriad of situations they can face in the station and on the streets. Without fundamentally engaging all levels in truly deconstructing the need for fire service leadership, it will not grow. 


Wednesday, December 9, 2020
10:00 AM - 10:51 AM
Virtual Roundtable: Finding the Time for Training

Join four fire officers as they discuss what they do to ensure their companies are getting quality training during busy regular shifts. The group will share tips on how their crews create engaging hands-on drills, plus tailboard and kitchen table discussions to keep crews sharp. Training is not just a checkbox and the panelists will offer insight to keep training balanced with the other duties that today’s firefighters are tasked with.