This presentation will provide fire service leaders with an understanding of their individual ability to influence and empower them to achieve change and success. The combination of the presentation and small-group discussions will provide examples of successful implementation and influences among fire service agencies and organizations. Successes and failures both will be revealed, and each will be applied to the attendees’ understanding of how to overcome barriers and challenges. Opportunities that are available by working at the local, state, regional, and/or national level organizations will be highlighted to inspire leaders to become involved. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation 16 Fire Life Safety Initiatives will be reviewed and applied during the presentation. Challenges and barriers faced in leading change among people, along with experiences and lessons learned, will be discussed, and tools to achieve change will be given to the attendees. Group discussion and feedback will be used to guide the presenters to meet the needs of the participants. Once the helpful steps are covered, the participants will be given information and examples of how they can become involved in fire service organizations and opportunities to become an influence in the fire service. Each participant will leave knowing that they can be successful in achieving change and be inspired to seek opportunities to become active in the fire service.
Rick Best - EGH Program Manager, National Fallen Firefighters Foundation