Intoxicated Leadership: Thinking Strategically vs. Reacting Emotionally

The chance to lead and create opportunities for others can be incredibly rewarding. But let's be real, it can also be tremendously frustrating, especially in situations where leaders face supervising unengaged, negative, or even toxic people. While the fire service and EMS agencies continue to do a great job of preparing people to lead on the emergency calls, it struggles to provide strategies and tactics for navigating the larger frequency and challenge of personnel issues happening back at the firehouse or station. This class takes the distinctive approach of helping attendees understand the role human emotions play in either aiding or undermining leadership efforts both in emergencies and back at the station. This class illustrates why the body responds to conflict the way it does, whether it be on the fireground, EMS call, or in the station, and what steps we can take to build credibility as leaders who are capable of answering these challenges.

Benjamin Martin
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM