Life Safety, incident stabilization and property conservation are the three incident priorities we follow in the fire service. At every incident, these priorities must be maintained. One of the many tasks firefighters must be proficient in is forcible entry. The Thru-the-Lock method of forcible entry conserves property damage while obtaining the goal of gaining entry. This method is utilized when life safety and property conservation come together to make access to buildings and homes for a vast array of incident responses. When seconds count and lives hang in the balance, it takes trained professionals to do their job and get it done right. Thru-the-Lock has proven effective to access patients, making entry for water flow activation, as well as maintaining door control for smoke conditions. An additional benefit of Thru-the-Lock is the ability to secure the entry point upon termination of the incident. Thru-the-Lock is a skill every firefighter needs in their proverbial toolbox.
John Hayowyk Sr. - Ex-Chief, Training Officer, Roxbury Fire Department